gb agency

en fr


























Cally spooner, He wins everytime, on time, and under budget

Solo show
gb agency
October 15 to November 27, 2016

Cally Spooner
Partial view of exhibition, 2016

Photo: Aurélien Mole

Cally Spooner
Early research: method #7, 2016

Bronze cast of the artist’s ear, preface for a novel in-progress called On False Tears and Outsourcing, paper, offset print
43,5 x 29 cm
Unique piece

Photo Aurélien Mole

Cally Spooner
Installation view, He wins every time, in time and under budget

Early Research: method and #, 2016

Photo Aurélien Mole

Cally Spooner
#5, 2016

3D Print of sold Early Research: method #5
3 x 29 x 42,5 cm
Unique piece

Photo Aurélien Mole

Cally Spooner
Exhibition view He wins everytime, on time and under-budget, 2016

Sound installation

2 x Bose 5 second-generation Virtually Invisible® single cube speakers, stereo audio of dancer Magdalyn Segale performing rugby training at gb agency (Left channel) and of Ivanka Trump talking to Fortune 400 about her business venture #womenwhowork during her father’s presidential campaign (Right channel), amplifier.
Edition of 3 (+ 1 A.P.)

Photo Aurélien Mole

Cally Spooner
Hot 97, 2016

Live stream New York City radio, museum wall speakers

Photo Aurélien Mole

Cally Spooner
Exhibition view from exhibition He wins every time, in time and under budget,

Two bodies, from two groups, meet in Paris to share knowledge and build a manageable, exchangeable solo for a new foreign body, 2016

Four days conversation between Magdalyn Segale dancer from the six person group work On False Tears and Outsourcing dancers responsible for delivering self-organized efforts to resolve difficult and time-consuming issues ‘‘go the distance’’ across multiple overlapping phases using appropriated competitive strategies and appropriated intimate gestures shown at The New Museum, NY and Jasmine Attie from the six person group work On False Tears and Outsourcing dancers responsible for delivering self-organized efforts to resolve difficult and time-consuming issues “go the distance” across multiple overlapping phases using appropriated competitive strategies and appropriated intimate gestures shown at Vleeshal, Holland.
Unique piece

Photo Aurélien Mole

Cally Spooner
Exhibition view from exhibition He wins every time, in time and under budget,

Two bodies, from two groups, meet in Paris to share knowledge and build a manageable, exchangeable solo for a new foreign body, 2016

Four days conversation between Magdalyn Segale dancer from the six person group work On False Tears and Outsourcing dancers responsible for delivering self-organized efforts to resolve difficult and time-consuming issues ‘‘go the distance’’ across multiple overlapping phases using appropriated competitive strategies and appropriated intimate gestures shown at The New Museum, NY and Jasmine Attie from the six person group work On False Tears and Outsourcing dancers responsible for delivering self-organized efforts to resolve difficult and time-consuming issues “go the distance” across multiple overlapping phases using appropriated competitive strategies and appropriated intimate gestures shown at Vleeshal, Holland.
Unique piece

Photo Aurélien Mole

Cally Spooner
An exchangeable solo built from the knowledge of two non-exchangeable groups, 2016

Solo dancer based in Paris

Photo Aurélien Mole

Cally Spooner
An exchangeable solo built from the knowledge of two non-exchangeable groups, 2016

Solo dancer based in Paris

Photo Aurélien Mole

Cally Spooner
An exchangeable solo built from the knowledge of two non-exchangeable groups, 2016

Solo dancer based in Paris

Photo Aurélien Mole

Cally Spooner
An exchangeable solo built from the knowledge of two non-exchangeable groups, 2016

Solo dancer based in Paris

Photo Aurélien Mole

Cally Spooner
An exchangeable solo built from the knowledge of two non-exchangeable groups, 2016

Solo dancer based in Paris

Photo Aurélien Mole